Adrenaline packed super bike rental to satisfy the need for speed! From 2-seater to 4-seater 1000cc Polaris Super Bikes that are built for any terrain, desert off-roading has never been this safe and easy.
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Booking Information
You will receive a confirmation email and voucher instantly after booking
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Terms & Conditions
1. Rates are subject to change without prior notice.
2. Cancellation & Refund Fees Apply.
3. Customers will be required to sign an insurance waiver for any damage to any of the water/bike rentals.
4. This is an outdoor activity, customers are therefore reminded to ensure prior they are physical fit and does not have any pre-existing medical condition.
Ratings & Reviews
Ultimate off-road experience
Non Refundable
Do not hesitate to give us a call. We are an expert team and we are happy to talk to you.