Experience the world of aviation, become immersed in our incredibly real Boeing 737 flight simulator or run into virtual racing simulator experience.
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Booking Information
You will receive a confirmation email and voucher instantly after booking
In the event that you do not receive an email from us, please check your Spam folder or notify us via email on support@asfary.com
Terms & Conditions
Observers age Restrictions
Anyone under the age of 10 must be accompanied by a separate adult, not the pilot, who is responsible for their behaviour in the simulator. The instructor has the right to refuse entry to, or eject from, the simulators, anyone whom he feels is not suitable for the event or for any other reason. Refunds will not be available under these circumstances.
Cancellation or amendment for bookings more than:
7 days – 48 hours : No cancellation fee
48 hours – 18 hours : 50% cancellation fee
18 hours or less : 100% cancellation fee
Please note that booking must be made 6 hours prior to arrival. However, if you want to book it earlier than 6 hours in advance, please contact us at (+974) 5543 4313
Ratings & Reviews
Flight and Racing Simulator Experiences
Non Refundable
Do not hesitate to give us a call. We are an expert team and we are happy to talk to you.